Friday, March 18, 2011

Jet lag

Well, at 10am this morning, after 14 hours in bed, I made the kids get up and drink something and eat. I think they easily would have slept until noon, perhaps beyond. I asked Josie if she woke up during the night (I was awake from 12-4a), she looked at me like I was crazy and said "I slept like a stone".

All 3 sat at the bar as I made their breakfast, looking as hung over as anyone I've ever seen. I asked them if they knew what they were feeling was called, and no one even attempted an answer. I told them it was called jet lag, and tried to explain what it was. Mitch said, "This feels really bad, but it's better than not going to Hawaii." :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


1 comment:

  1. Mitch's comment made me tear up. What a sweetheart! I asked Anastasia today if Samantha told her anything about the trip. She replied, "Yeah, she said they got there right during the salami." I said, "Um, tsunami?" "Yeah, that's what I meant." : )
