We got back on the Metro and went back to the Smithsonian, this time to the National Museum of American History. Well, that one is monstrous, too, so we only scratched the surface. Saw a few exhibits, took in the viewing of the huge flag that was flying over Fort McHenry in 1814 and inspired Francis Scott Key to write the words to the national anthem. No pics allowed in there.
By the time we left there, we were needing a snack again, so we got hot dogs and pretzels and noshed on the mall. Lots of people out enjoying the beautiful, a bit breezy but not nearly as cold as yesterday, weather. Seemed very American. Lots of different people, doing lots of different things, all peacefully coexisting for the moment. Very nice.
From there, we walked to (or rather, near) the White House and took what picts we could. I think we may actually have a shot of the Presidential motorcade leaving the White House for Oklahoma (to view the destruction caused by the terrible tornado that killed 24 earlier this week). The big black SUVs were parked out back then someone got in and they all pulled off. Could have been nothing - we were so far away. Neat to think it might have been something, though.
We walked around to the front of the White House and took more pictures, then took the Metro back to DuPont Circle, and walked the few blocks to our hotel. We are surely getting our exercise on this trip!!
Tonight, we got back in time for the manager's reception, so I had the special, which was a drink called 'Jamaican Mi Crazy'. It was a rum punch that was very good. Mitch and I sat there and waited for Bill and the girls to join us from their candy bar run to the hotel gift shop. Then, later we all hit the swimming pool and frolicked about like wild - reviving old favorites like 'Barnacle!' and 'Submarine', both of which they are much better at now than they used to be. Barnacle is the game where they hang on to you and you try to wrestle yourself away. Submarine is another hanging on game that is self-explanatory, I imagine.
Awesome day. Great trip.

Kids are pros at the Metro, now

Thanks, photo-bomber dude, you're super-cool. ;)

Cool money exhibit

We went into Transportation exhibit, and a couple of others, and the dreaded gift shop, of course, but I was getting low on fuel I guess, not many picts to post.

Drummer outside American History museum using various 5-gal buckets for toms, a large trash can for bass drum, and a shopping cart for cymbals - neat setup and kept a decent rhythm, too.

Lots of cyclists assembling for the Memorial Day Rolling Thunder event (to highlight veterans' issues by simulating the noise of war)

If you zoom in, there's what looks like an official motorcade happening at the White House in the distant background

The kids playing on the '(Lawn next to) The White House Lawn' =)

Huge Commerce building

Old Executive Office Building (Eisenhower)

Kids weaving through posts, having a blast

More of the Old Exec. Ofc. Bldg., beautiful, stately structure (new one further up the street is painfully plain, not photo-worthy - probably more efficient in every way you can think of, but not very pretty)

Kids in front of WH gate

Taken with camera lens between bars of the gate

West Wing!! One of the best tv shows ever!!!

Blair House

My date for the reception

Timing off on this shot, just missed Mitch's spread-eagle, feet-first jump into the water. When he came up, he giggled and said he felt a 'stinging sensation in his privates'.
We'll end on that one, today. :)
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