Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rest day in Galway - Josie is sick :(

We walked around the City Center a little bit this morning and let the kids shop some. Josie had complained of her throat hurting a little last night and first thing this morning, which is not an infrequent occurrence because of her continual fight with allergies. But by late morning, she was starting to look sick in the eyes, her 'tell'.  I checked her temp and it was 100.2.  She and I camped out in the hotel room for the afternoon so she could rest.  By late afternoon, her fever climbed to 103.7, despite 2 doses of ibuprofen. :(  We've been trying to push fluids, and if she's still got a fever in the morning we will seek help from a doctor. 

Bill stayed with her this evening while Mimi, Papa, Mitch, Samantha, and I went to hear traditional Irish music at a nearby pub and catch some dinner.  They were incredible.  Sorry Josie didn't get to hear them. Maybe she will be back to rights tomorrow and we can go again. The group we saw had a violin, a banjo, and two on accordions.  Stellar musicians, especially the violinist and one of the accordion players.  They picked a tune to do, then changed their minds a couple of times when deciding in what key to play it. 
'Let's do it in D.'
'How about C?'
(Pause for thinking and little bit of practice fingering out the melody) 'Yeah! Let's do it.'
And away they went.  By my terrible ear, not a note missed, although I saw a visual exchange between two of the players that seemed to betray a slip-up.  Fun to watch, great to hear. I hope we can all go tomorrow, because that will mean Josie is feeling better. 

Mitch's choice for a souvenir is entertaining. =)

Josie wanted sheep key rings, because of all the sheep we've seen. The white one is Arnie, the black one is Clover.

Samantha's choice, a Claddagh ring (a traditional Irish symbol for love, friendship, and loyalty)

(Hard to see, perhaps, but this 'travelator' has no steps, just a linear slope top to bottom, and they ask you not to walk on it, just stand and hold on to the railing.  It was a little odd-feeling, when you're used to stepped escalators)

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